Wolfman Jack (Wolfie) and Flap Jack (Flappy)
Both Wolfie and Flappy were born in the summer of 2016. Wolfman Jack (Wolfie) to Jiffy and Flap Jack (Flappy) to Poppy. Because they were the very first donkeys born at Mea Ola's Place, they were very special to us. They were not on the adoption list, as we just expected that MOP would be their forever home. But...life happened, and the absolute perfect opportunity became available for them. CALM (the California Living Museum) in Bakersfield, CA had just lost their long-time-resident donkey Sophie. Someone contacted them and gave them our number, saying we had donkeys that would be well suited for CALM. They visited MOP and were introduced to Wolfie and Flappy and determined they would be a perfect fit. Of course, we were both happy and sad. We wanted the very best for them and we felt this would be a wonderful place for them to live out their very long lives (donkeys living in excellent conditions can live up to 50 years).
In August 2017 we transported them both to CALM where they are being spoiled rotten. If you ever get to visit CALM, please give them a hug and kiss for us. We miss them!
Wolfie meets Peggy at CALM
Wolfie coming to Ann after she called to him.
The "aerodynamic" donkey.