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Dexter Has Several Sponsors:
Lindsay Kern, Kendall Richardson, Deby McKenzie,
Cindy Morris and Jeaniene Jones

This guy here is a true survivor and was in need of a place to go where he could continue rehab and hopefully find a forever family of his own down the road.

I was contacted by Animal Control in August 2018 to see if we could take this guy in. He was seized as a severe neglect case. Animal Control had him for a couple of months and did an amazing job saving this boy. He looks great now (see his before photos below) despite what he has been through. He is at the point now where they need to find a place for him to go.


When they got him he was a BCS of about 1. He had only been eating corn...the entire ears, husks, etc! It is truly a miracle that he did not founder. In addition, there were corn cobs wedged into the bottoms of his feet! He has been radiographed and it appears that no permanent damage was done to his feet. However, he has holes and sores in the soles of his feet. His feet are still very sore and he needs more time and TLC to get back to being a healthy guy.

I spoke to the treating veterinarian and going forward there shouldn't be too many costs associated with medical care. He is still on pain meds for his feet and will need another recheck or two. He may need pads on his feet for a while once the wounds to the soles are healed up. It will still be several months before his feet are normal again. He needs time to heal and strengthen his whole body.

The Animal Control officers and the veterinarians adore this boy. They named him Dexter. 


As usual, I reached out to our supporters, as we cannot take in any more without a monthly sponsorship commitment, and you came through ... Loud and Clear! Dexter is coming to MOP!.

Does it just get out there that we have a spot open? We had a horse leave last week and that particular stall will be perfect for Dexter! It's one of the softest ones we have! He needs soft for his feet and also because he is still thin and laying on hard ground makes sores when they are thin like this.

Dexter arrived safe and sound today (8/12/18). We tried some on him to see if it would help relieve some of his pain during the ride to MOP. As you can see in this video, it looks like they helped quite a bit. Welcome to MOP Dexter!

Picking Up Dexter
Dexter Arrives at MOP
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Dexter 1.jpg
Dexter Before
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 UPDATE - December 26, 2018 - I am heartbroken as I am sure many of you will be. I mentioned yesterday on video#2 that we were waiting on vet visit number 2 in the last two weeks for Dexter.

He is gone now and I will do my best to explain.
About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that he was down in the left rear leg. (Not right as I said in the video.) I had the vet check him and we suspected ligament or tendon damage. He was on schedule for his next trim at that time, which could not happen. We had an appointment for the farrier to just take some toe off the left rear this week as poor Dexter has had to be trimmed in stages after the condition he was rescued in . Well, that had to be postponed again because his left front(as of last Friday) was buckling and we needed vet assistance to even attempt it. The soonest appointment with any of the vets we work with was today. The diagnosis just upon initial exam was catastrophic. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that this was insurmountable. They had to leave and go get the euthanasia solution after they were here initially today just before the video. The right two legs and feet were giving out because Dexter had to compensate for the two lefts. The poor boy had about 6 weeks of comfort since his story began as a seizure from AC for abuse and neglect. 

So many will miss this brave, happy, hopeful soul! 
RIP Dexter! As always, a piece of my heart went with you tonight!💔

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